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Postcard Row Databasix is a consulting firm based in the San Francisco Bay Area. We specialize in economic and financial data analysis, modeling and research. We also provide cost-effective solutions for problems involving the entry, warehousing and analysis of large, complex databases.
Our clients include private companies, law firms, and public agencies. We provide our clients with the best analytical support available. Working closely with them, we are able to conduct the rigorous analyses necessary and to present our findings in a clear, concise manner. Our main advantage lies in our ability to work with many different types and formats of data, either from the client or from various publicly available sources. We use a wide variety of data analysis tools, from simple spreadsheets to various database programming languages to high-level statistical and econometric software. Because we have experience in so many diverse areas, we are able to provide reliable, error-free analysis in the most efficient and cost-effective way based on the needs of our clients.

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